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DUWO continues to make repairs do as much as possible

Reading time: 2 min

Even in times of corona, DUWO continues to do repairs as much as possible. We have, however, drawn up rules for this to minimize the risk of infection and the spread of the coronavirus. Below you can read how it works.

We want to ensure that you can continue to live comfortably with us, especially now that you are more home-bound. That also means damage-free and without things in your house that are broken. That is why you can continue to submit repair requests, just as you are used to do. But before we visit you, we will take extensive preventive measures, in which your health and that of our colleagues comes first.

How it works;

Below you can see how we work during the corona crisis, so you know what to expect:

1. After a request for a repair, a caretaker initially tries to find smart ways to contact and solve a problem without entering your home. If that fails, he/she will avoid contact as much as possible on arrival and entering the home.

2. Before entering the house, the caretaker asks whether someone is present in the house who suffers from colds, sore throat, fever and/or shortness of breath. In that case he/she will not enter the house. Not even when in doubt.

3. The caretaker determines whether he/she can work safely in a home.

5. If one of the residents does not want the caretaker to enter, the caretaker will not enter.

6. The manager avoids contact with residents as much as possible during the work and applies the general measures: wash hands before and after the visit, do not give hands, use gloves and disinfectant gel if possible.

7. During the work, the residents should be in a different room as much as possible from where the caretaker is at work. If that is not possible, the caretaker keeps at least 1.5 meters distance.. If necessary, he/she uses barrier tape to maintain the necessary distance.

These measures will in any case apply until 28 April 2020


